第5届平遥国际电影展费穆荣誉之最佳导演、青年评审荣誉之导演奖 The 5th Pingyao International Fillm Festival Fei Mu Awards for Best Director; Youth Jury Award 2021年布鲁塞尔国际电影节国际竞赛单元评审团奖 Brussels International Film Festival 2021 International Competition Jury Prize A crew comes to a small town in southern China for the pre-production of a film called Ripples of Life. Initially, the film is set based on the idea that "In this town, life is mundane with nothing really happening", but beyond the script, a series of surprising stories happen... 本片讲述《永安镇故事集》剧组入住永安镇拍摄,给这个原本宁静的地方带来一丝波澜,然而波澜过后,一切又重归宁静的故事。本片采用三段式叙事法,分别关注剧组中不同的角色在异地勘景、拍摄准备期间发生的大小故事。 • Not eligible for any discounts and/or vouchers. • Not valid with VIP and/or Complimentary Passes. • Not valid for purchase with HSBC Movie Card.